Friday, May 21, 2010


This is the quilt that I have made for three of my grandchildren when they were married. I had made them all quilts after they were born and did not take pictures of those. Didn't have a digital camera back then either. I decided I would make them all a quilt when they got married and give to them as a wedding gift. So far I have been able to do that. I did a lot of thinking when the first grandchild announced her engagement as to what quilt to make. I wanted to make one that I could repeat for each grandchild. I decided on the Cathedral Window quilt. It was more portable and I could take it with us when we traveled to work on. It is a folded piece of material and it makes the back as well as the front at the same time. It is about three thicknesses of material once a block is completed so there is no need for a batting and having to quilt it after it is pieced. I really did not know what I was getting into. I like to piece quilts by hand rather than on the sewing machine. This one was so much work, that I decided there had to be a better way.
So one night sitting in a motel room with a friend who was not feeling well quilting, we decided how to do a lot of the piecing of that quilt on the machine. It gets pretty heavy by the time it is a good size. I made them all king size so they could use them for bedspreads if they wished.
So far I have made three Cathedral Window quilts. One grandson did not get one, as his wedding date changed and I did not have time to make it. He got a Eureka quilt and I forgot to take a picture of it.
I told the last grandchild to be married that that was the last Cathedral Window quilt I would make. I may go back on that promise though.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Barbara,
    How nice to meet up with you on here. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog. It was a nice surprise. :) I love your quilts! I've got one that I'm trying to finish up; I've done the whole thing by hand. It's a month by month quilt - I thought starting out with a kit would be more manageable, since I didn't have too much experience. It's taken me a lot longer than 12 months, but I have really enjoyed it.


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