The Crazy Mom quilt along is still a work in progress. I am still working on the last week. Have a couple more rows to add and it will be ready to quilt when the weather turns much colder than it is now!
My neice is to have surgery today, maybe already had it. She swung on a rope swing at church camp and when she hit the ground, she landed on a rock and fractured her tibia. The CT scan, which I saw, does not look good. She will require a plate and pins to get the bone back together. The thing is, she is old enough to know better. LOL She was 9-10 months old when our 45 year old daughter was born. She is a healthy lady so she will mend well, I am sure.
Had a visit with our youngest son and his wife Saturday. We now have a pilot in the family. I am not ready to fly with him. LOL They were up here cleaning their chalet in Wears Valley and flew up for lunch with us on Saturday. I did go out on the parking area for the planes at the airport and looked at his plane. It is much nicer than I thought it would be. Still can't get a grip on my youngest son being a pilot. Maybe I never will. You just don't think of your children flying small planes in the way up yonder. It does make the trip from Mississippi to East Tennessee much shorter when they can fly. He is very careful in his flying according to his instructor. That is just not my mode of travel yet.
Our weather is still hot and dry. Everyone's gardens are not producing as they should. One of our tomato plants is dying. The tomatoes we are getting from the other plant are very small. Our peppers are producing well. I have frozen them for soups, stews, chilis next winter.
We have a busy week ahead, so that quilt may just have to wait a while to be finished. Pics will be coming when it is finished.
Style Showcase 281
14 hours ago
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