Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Quilted Sweatshirt, Part One

My son and daughter-in-law gave me a sweatshirt for Christmas along with 10 fat quarters and a pattern. Now for you who do not know what a fat quarter is: you take a yard of material about 44 inches wide and cut it into 4 pieces making near squares out of it, hence fat quarter.
Here you can see the sweatshirt, fat quarters and pattern and my messy dining room table. It is really the catch all in our house!.

And here is the front of the pattern. You could make a sweatshirt jacket, a slip over sweatshirt or a vest. The pattern is from I Can't Believe It's A Sweatshirt by Gail E. Abeloe. The website is For me the vest was out of the question immediately. I just never wear vests. I have had some, but they just get shooved to the back of the closet and later taken to GoodWill. So I thought the slip over would be nice. Then after I started quilting it, I decided that was not the way either. Luckily you can change your mind while quilting it. The slip over would just have been too heavy and too warm for me to wear as a slip over shirt. So it will be the jacket.
But this is a work in progress so more later on this! Stay tuned.

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