Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring 2012

This spring as been unpredictable. We never had a winter. We had a few days that were really cold, but as a whole it was warm. March was our warmest March on record. When March 1 came, we immediately went into warm weather mode. Flowers and flowering trees really don't know when to bloom.

My daffodils started blooming in January. They stayed bloomed out until the end of March. The crocus did not come up and bloom until March. Mine are always late anyway so they probably bloomed about the regular time for them.

My tulips are at their peak of bloom right now. The picture here is not my tulips. I got it from Google Images. But I have several tulips just like this.

Redbud trees are past their peak, dogwoods are also. My irises are blooming. We have an Iris Festival here in our town the weekend of Mother's Day in May. Again this year the irises will be gone by that time.

The weather is warm enough to want to plant flowers and vegetables, but I know that we could get a freeze in April or even the first of May. So I am bidding my time for another month. But when you see tomato plants and flower plants in the shops you want to buy before the good ones are all picked over. I keep telling myself that we live in the mountains and we will have some more cold weather. In fact next week is forecast to only be in the 50's for high temps, so we may get a frost. So I'll just keep dreaming of planting flowers and tomatoes for another month at least.

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