I need just one more person to read my blog and my number of hits will be 9100! I am thrilled.
My plans for upcoming posts--finish my trip to Scotland posts. I can see the end in sight there. I have 3 quilts in the making: I am quilting the Civil War Block of the month quilt I pieced last year and posted each block; I am piecing another block of the month quilt. It is blocks of different flowers. They were supposed to be iron on pieces. Well they are iron on, but the warning in the directions said to iron them on then stitch them on. To me this is misrepresentation. Iron on is iron on, stitching is stitching. The quilt is wallmhanging size. I bought extra fabric to put around the sides, top and bottom to make a regular is quilt. So far they have sent three squares each month. The other quilt I am working on is a Derek Lockwood quilt. It is a colidiscope type pattern with Derek's signature black fabrics in it. It will taken a awhile to get it pieced and ready to quilt. I also have the feeling I should be starting a wedding quilt for my next to the youngest grandson. As far as I know he has not popped the question, think it is just as matter of time. He has already put his order in for a quilt for graduation. He meant college, but he is in basic training with the army now, so I hope he is expecting it for graduation from basic the first part of December.
Hills and Dales Home & Garden Tour
1 day ago
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