I just read my sister's blog about Black Friday. She does not do Black Friday and neither do I. Something in our family? Probably. I have never been shopping on Black Friday, my sister has....once. I don't like pushy shovey crowds. So I never even wanted to go to Black Friday sales. Like my sister, I will just pay a little more for what I want/need and be able to shop in comparative peace and quiet. I did go to a sale once when we lived in Ohio that was probably like a Black Friday sale. We had a nice small ladies shop in town. They had good clothing and it was a little above my budget with 4 children in school needing and outgrowing their clothes everytime you turned around. But a friend of mine convinced me I could find some really good bargains at this sale this store had twice a year. So I made arrangements to meet her at the store, I think at least half an hour before the doors were opened, maybe longer, I can't remember now. We got there before the crowd did and were probably only 3-4 people back from the door when it opened. She had told me we would have to go in and go to a table that contained something we wanted to buy. Then we would just have to reach through the people and grab a garment and if it was not what you wanted or not your size you would swap with someone around you. OKAY! That is not my way of shopping. But I went to a table of sweaters as I needed a button up sweater. I grabbed and came up with a nice navy blue sweater in my size. I liked it, it could be (and was) a good basic garment. It was marked down to $3.00. I looked around for my friend and she was nowhere to be found. I saw all those pushy, shovey women, took my sweater to the clerk, paid for it and went home. That is my experience with something near to a Black Friday sale.
I did not go to buy groceries this week until Wednesday. That was not a good thing to do! I actually did not think of what I might be doing. I always get my groceries on Wednesday, so it never entered my mind that I should go earlier. I don't go to Walmart every week, but this week I needed things that they had that are cheaper than my local grocery store. Wednesday morning my husband told me I was probably not doing a good thing, but we went anyway. First the parking lot was quite full. Not as full as it was yesterday at 8 PM I am sure. Then by the time we were ready to check out the store was really beginning to fill up. I was glad I was ready to check out and go home. Besides that I had waited to long to go to Walmart to buy what I usually get there and my grocery bill was 2-3 times more than I usually pay for groceries in one week. But that is done now.
We were alone again on Thanksgiving. But that is all right. I baked a turkey breast, and it was very good. One of my email friends said she always cooked her turkey upside down--meaning she lays the breast down. She said the breast meat was moister that way. She was right. That is the best turkey breast I think I have ever eaten. I had wanted baked sweet potatoes, and I bought 2 and baked them. I had cornbread dressing, peas/carrots, homemade cranberry sauce, rolls. We had dessert already made but neither of us wanted any after we finished our meal. So we had dessert instead of regular food for supper.
We had a very warm day yesterday for the end of November, but tomorrow we will pay for that. It is supposed to be very cold tomorrow.
Have a good weekend!
Home Style Saturday 443
21 hours ago
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