I must admit I have failed to keep up with my blog the last part of this year. Hopefully I can do better in 2013.
We had a good year. We were able to make another trip to Scotland to visit family and friends. Really enjoyed that. Hubby had a problem with his back while we were there and had to relent to using a cane when we were out walking and site seeing. He is used to getting up and walking around often here at home. On an eight hour plane flight you are not able to do that so often. He did pay several trips to the bathroom just to be able to move around. If you go back on this blog you can read more about our trip.
One big change in our family's lives is that our next to youngest grandson joined the army. Guess he had been toying with that idea for a while. So he finally made the plunge. We hated to see him go in the Army, but we are so proud of him for wanting to serve his country. He did his Basic Training at Fort Jackson, SC and graduated the first of December. He was then sent to Fort Gordon, GA for his advanced training in radio operator/maintainer. He was allowed to go home for two weeks for the holidays. We went down and had Christmas with them. He is currently visiting his girlfriend in Maryland.
I was really amazed at the comaradary of the families of the recruits. There were at least three pages on FB for family and friends of the recruits at Basic Training. You got to feel like you knew the families. We did not get to go to the graduation, but our daughter was anxious to meet some of the families face to face.
Our work here with the TV program and Bible Correspondence Courses continues. We had to change TV stations due to their programming change this year. But we came out the best for that. We continue to be thankful for the C Street Church of Christ in Elizabethton, TN for the use of their studio for recording the programs. We are continually thankful to Jim Southerland who works as our production manager in recording the programs. donating his time.
Hopefully this year we can continue our work here. I hope to continue quilting and cooking, while I love. I will be getting some pictures on the blog soon of the Civil War quilt that I am quilting.
Hope your New Year is prosperous and happy.
Basic Crepes
21 hours ago
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