Thursday, October 20, 2011

31 Dayers: Day 20--October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month. I had my mammogram October 3rd. Got a call back the next day to come for another mammogram and ultra sound as they saw something suspicious. I was at the Women's Center in less than four hours. Second mammo was with a different machine. Then had the ultra sound. Being a nurse I always watch when I have something like that done. So I was watching the tech do the ultra sound. Then she went to see if the radiologist was satisfied with her scan. He came in and did another mini scan. He said it was just dense tissue and he wanted to be certain there was nothing else there.

I had gotten some yogurt when I was at the grocery store. In fact, I keep yogurt on hand all the time. So when I opened one of the containers today, it had that little pink lid what has a code on it. You go online to and enter your code and the Activa company donates some money to breast cancer research.

Then when I went on Facebook this afternoon, my daughter had sent me an invitation to join a group of facebook for breast cancer research. My daughter's best friend just had a double mastectomy because of breast cancer.

So do what you can to further breast cancer research. The only way we will ever fight it is with mammograms and research. Also get your mammogram if you have not gotten one in a year. Our Women's Center had some nice goodies that they were giving to those who have their mammograms in October.

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