Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stand By Me, a book review

This book was supplied to me by Thomas Nelson Publishing Company to read and review. Stand By Me is written by Neta Jackson. This is a SouledOut Sisters novel. Ms Jackson has written several novels in a series called Yada Yada Sisters Prayer Group. The Yada Yada Sisters are also in Stand By Me. I had never read any of Ms Jackson's books, but this one will not be last one I read.

This book is about a church that meets in a shopping center. This congregation is one that had merged with another congregation. One was predominately white and one was predominately black. The story is mainly about two groups of people. One is a middle aged married couple who are very involved in their church at SouledOut Community Church. The other group is a group of four college students attending Crista University. The college students are all as different as different can be from each other, yet they are all close friends. One of the students is a theology major, the others have different college majors.

This is a very good, clean book. The students want to be a part of the church, but some of the members of the church are a little wary of them. The marriage couple are especially wary of them. Then the students move into an apartment below the marriage couple and they all begin to learn to love each other through several shared experiences.

Can't tell you more or I'd give the story away. Get it and read it.


  1. I love the Yada Yada books. I'll have to check out this one, too! :)

    1. I don't think it is out yet. I review books for Thomas Nelson before they are out to the public. I have never read any of the Yada Yada books, but I am sure they are interesting. Most plate is so full of books I want to read that I doubt I will get to them.


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